Other women dream of jewelry or perhaps couture clothing. I dream of arenas and barns.
Once, while driving through the country, a friend pointed out a particularly sad, dilapidated trailer parked on a lovely piece of property. It was late fall and the skies were heavy with a threatening storm. "Holy crap! Someone lives there. It doesn't look like it could withstand a garden hose, much less a storm. How awful!"
I, however, squealed and pointed at the gorgeous, fabulous, mouth-watering new barn on the property. "That's where they live! Are you kidding? They're in there - no doubt. With their horses! Isn't it AMAZING?"
And it was. Giant, gabled, glorious. Set well back from the road, it commanded attention amid fields that stretched out with the promise of luscious space for horses to gallop. "Who wouldn't live there?" I asked. My friend looked at me like I'd lost my mind. Apparently she wouldn't.
"They just built the barn first. Anyone with horses would do that. Now they will live there while they build their house. It's obvious."
My friend rolled her eyes to convey a wealth of information. "You horse people."
Yeah. Horse people.
So now my dream is becoming reality.
Behold!!! My new arena! Or the beginning of it, anyway.
Yes, kittens. After years and years and years of owning horses and boarding them at show barns and stables, we are finally developing our property into a little horse property.
Complete with road to the arena, since it is located on the backside of our property.
Isn't it pretty? I even love the road! |
The guys worked all day yesterday and are coming back today to finish. I love these guys. I really, really do.
More pictures later. They did an amazing job and it was almost entirely finished in one day. Like carving David out of a block of marble. Artists!!
I'm a giggly as a schoolgirl.
Fat boy will finally be able to come home. Of course home is the slums compared to where he lives now, but I am counting on his love for me to make up the difference. Okay, yeah, he's going to be pissed to move here, but he'll get over it because he's a horse and he doesn't get a vote on the matter.