Friday, November 4, 2016

If You're Not Drinking Heavily, You're Not Paying Attention

Well, kittens, it's been too long. Frankly, so much has happened that I've been overwhelmed. I find myself every flipping day staring at stories coming across the computer screen, mouth open, eyes bugged  out, choking back a full-throated, "What the FUCKING hell!" This happens every single day, kittens. Imagine how frail I've become. By the time I fall limply into my bed at night, I've exhausted myself trying to keep up with Project Veritas videos or WikiLeaks dumps, or Hillary's lastest campaign screed against "dark, divisive, and dangerous Trump supporters." You know, the irredeemable deplorables. So, despite my best intentions, blogging has been simply impossible.

BUT! I could not let the election come and go without blogging to admit that I am going to vote for Trump. Yes, moi. The one who said this, and  said this...and said this...about Trump. And I haven't changed my mind about any of it. But the possibility of a Hillary presidency, assuming she can set up an Oval Office in prison, is simply too hideous for me to contemplate. And voting turd party is just that...a shitty alternative. So yes, I have decided hissy fits in a time of national crisis are unbecoming. 

But what I have discovered is a fabulous cocktail that is worthy of apocalyptic end times shenanigans. I mean, honestly, if the whole thing is going to burn down, then having a fabulous drink to sip while watching the show is almost an imperative. I call it, The Montpelier, which I find enormously clever because it is ALMOST a Manhattan, only with maple syrup instead of vermouth. It's also a little tip of the hat to our dear Sanders who got his pathetic little ass handed to him by a much better player at the whole socialist corruption thing.


2 oz bourbon. (Make it good. It's the soul of the drink. I like Four Roses.)
1 tsp. maple syrup
Dash bitters
Mix together over a few ice cubes, to open the flavors.
Serve with a couple of maraschino cherries, if desired.

That's it. Smooth as a prom queen's thighs, as my husband says. Lovely drink to sip while all hell breaks loose.

So, having made my confession, I have nothing else to say. There is simply too much to write about for me to have anything to write about. How do you narrow it down? How do you edit the crazy so that it is even believable? It's way beyond me. So here are a few pictures to tell the story....


  1. Spirit cooking. Shudder. There isn't enough booze.

    1. Fuck! Did you see that yesterday??? I could NOT believe it. I thought about blogging it, but the whole thing made me sick to my stomach. Truly, demons are loose among us.

    2. BTW, it looks like you managed to figure out the posting snafu. Sorry about that. I have landed and sm on my iPad. Not much help.

    3. Yep, tried several browsers and none of them would work. Smacked this one upside the head until it finally gave in.

    4. Saw it yesterday on Twitter but didn't really pay attention to it until today. There's something really, seriously Caligula level wrong with those people.

    5. Caligula level is exactly right! Sex trafficking, pedophilia, demon rituals with pig's blood - oh, I'm sorry, that last is supposed to be "performance art". We are the Roman citizens watching the whole place go down. And now a serious attempt on Trump's life!! Un-fucking-believable. I have insomnia because if all of it.

    6. One of the funniest lines I've read lately is that if she wins we can do away with the clunky Pledge of Allegiance and simply extend our arms and say: "Hail, Satan!"

    7. LOL!!! That was - seriously - bust out loud funny! Will we have to wear dark hooded robes, too?

  2. As I've told a few of my American friends, "This is by far the most entertaining election you guys have ever put on" Popcorn by the pallet load. Seriously, though, these people are into some soul chilling stuff.

    1. America has perfected the reality tv now we're brining it into the big time. Popcorn and bourbon for everyone. Get comfy.

  3. How is your neck of the woods handling the election results? We seem reasonably sane where I am, even my crazy "Rs are evil!" family.

    It seems to actually be getting through their thick skulls that maybe their little liberal coastal/academic bubbles aren't the world the entire nation inhabits. I pointed out to the one that if you want me to vote Democrat, after 8 years of a Dem admin at the fed level, and 6 of Dem admin and legislature at the state level, and everyone I know is un or under employed, a candidate has to offer more than "same as before but better with vagina!". Crazy Seattle sister was not accusing me of being insane (which makes for much more productive conversations) and academic sister's friends seemed to genuinely want to know what happened.

    We'll see how long this spirit of willingness to talk to "the other" and consider that maybe "the other" has some valid concerns and opinions lasts.

    1. Gryf! So delighted you stopped by! I swear I am the shittiest friend. Anyway, things are great here. I live in a little town where everyone voted for Trump. Remarkably, though, our county went for Hillary. That is a big switch. When we moved here, it was one of the reddest counties in CA. Oh well...liberals have a habit of wrecking places, and then moving out to the nice, conservative neighborhoods because of the polite kids, crime-free streets, and all-around good life...and the fucking it all up. We might have to move again....

      Interesting that you've found this election has had an impact on people who previously were pretty well convinced that they were unquestionably in the right. The whole campaign season and election were the strangest thing I've ever witnessed. I mean...TRUMP! How did we do that??? I'm still shaking my head. If it all goes in the toilet, I will admit I was part of it. I voted for him (although in CA, my vote doesn't count)...You just could NOT write a story like this and have anyone anywhere EVER believe it. F+ would have been the grade. Not convincing! HAHAHAHA!

  4. Oh Buttercup, I'm sorry to miss your breaking the Big Silence - but listen, what a ride!
    Please do not disappear from blogging again. The times are starting to get interesting again!

    1. Creaky!!! GAAAH! I am so sorry! I don't stop by often...thinking nobody reads me anymore. So WOW! fabulous to hear from you. Times are are right about that. Almost TOO interesting...I can't sort out what to even focus on to write about. One story just races right over the top of another. Have you heard of Pizzagate?? HO-LEE SHIT! But it does look like, even if Trump is awful, we dodged a howitzer barrage of bullets with Hillary and Crew. What a bunch of Neros and Caligulas. Did you hear today that Trump has selected Mad Dog Mattis as his Secretary of Defense? HAHAHAHAHAHA! The whole world just took a step back and said, "Oh, fuck!"


  5. I read few of his choice quotes...he sounds v. much like that other General: McArthur
