Sunday, September 23, 2012

Wow. It seems that the only people who like Obama are those who don't know him.

Get to know Dear Leader and he's no BFD. Even Nance is tired of him.

And I DEFINITELY approve this message!

I've never thought a thing that came out of his mouth was any more interesting than Charlie Brown's teacher:


  1. She was pretty sure he wasn't going to be asking any questions or listening for any feedback. Must have had him pegged pretty well very early in his term.

    1. And Nance ain't that bright. When SHE knows you're an idjit and a bag of hot air, who doesn't???

  2. It almost says more about Pelosi that it does about Obama. There's an arrogant weirdness about her. Well come to think of it, there's an arrogant weirdness about him, too. What a pair to draw to!

    1. I think it goes to the heart of what liberal governance is all about. Arrogance. The belief that you know better. That you can decide for 330 million other people. That you should be in control...for the common good.

      Freaking arrogant. All of them. And because they are arrogant, they can't stand each other.

      Which is, if you think about it, sweet.

  3. He certainly doesn't meet this definition. Sad that so few do or even try to anymore.
