Wednesday, September 5, 2012

"...let me do that again..."

Sometimes you have to look the donkey right in the face and call it an ass.

This is one of those times. There will be others.

For some completely inexplicable reason, the Party of All the Smart People managed to remove all language relating to God and remove language supporting an undivided Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and naming them our staunchest ally in the Middle East. Of course no one had any idea how this could have happened, what with the Democrats being the party that insists that we all pay for little babies to have a first class one way ticket back to God without even having to layover in a life. That's some God-loving right there. And the party that loves Jews? Of course they are! They love the Jewish vote, which is almost like loving Jews themselves. Now shut up, racist!

But then how to explain that in a document that must have been carefully, assiduously, painstakingly written to reflect the deepest shared values and ideals of the party, the Democratic party platform, they "forgot" God and Israel?

OOPSIE! Well, let's just fix that little detail right now, shall we? All those in favor say AYE. All those opposed say NO.

Another OOPSIE! The NO's have it. Well, this is embarrassing.  Let me do that again. 
And let me repeat, really slowly, AYE means yes and NO means no. Got it?
Just so you don't screw up again......WHAT? Again? Oh for f*&k's sake. One more time? 

Perhaps the reason language supporting Israel was left out was that it was orders from the White House. Ya think?

Florida, are you listening?


  1. They don't like God because he reminds them they are evil.

    1. And they that aren't God themselves.

    2. OH GOOD LORD! I type too fast for good sense.

      And that they aren't God themselves.

      Oh well....

  2. And with the leftist mindset, if they don't mention a matter then it doesn't exist.

    Unfortunately for them, truth is a very hard wall to run into full tilt.

    1. Hurts like hell.

      I do hope so. I really, really hope so.

  3. After 3 repeat votes, they still didn't have a 2/3 majority in favor of the amendments to include an acknowlegement of God and to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel (it sounded about even to me), so they did what Nancy did in the House: they "deemed" it as passed. Which really ticked off the Muslim Democrats. But, there are more alleged Christians and Jews in the Democrat Party than there are Muslims, so guess who got pandered to?

    1. That's how I heard it, too. About even, which means that no way did they have a clear 2/3 majority to pass it.

      Democrats cheat. Just wait until the votes are being counted in the presidential election.

      The votes don't count. Who counts the votes, counts.

  4. Wowwwwwwww. I just watched the video clip for the first time and just...WOW.

    Can you imagine the front-page story this would be if it happened at the RNC? Holy shit.

    I don't really even have an opinion about them taking "God" and the Israel stuff out of the platform - it doesn't surprise me and frankly I'm surprised they didn't do it in 2008 - but it never stops surprising me to see people behave so transparently dishonestly on camera. I mean Villaraigosa. Just astounding. He knew the NO won...he did not care. Unbelievable to see this in action. It's like watching sausage get made. hahaha

    1. Wow is right. Effing unbelievable. And the HOWLING that would arise if this had happened at the RNC. It would have brought down the Romney campaign. Pure and simple. And fair and square, too. If this shit HAD happened at the RNC, it should have brought down the party.

      But Democrats? Those kidders! Of course everyone knows that they REALLY wanted God and Israel recognized. Really.

      What is the most astonishing to me is that Obama will still get a majority of the Jewish vote and a sizable portion of Christians. Because when you balance God and Israel against free shit -- shit wins.

    2. Hey, hey! FREE shit wins. Let's be honest

  5. Sadly, you're righ. Stack even the undeniable truth up against free shit and free shit will win EVERY. DAMN. TIME. Arrgghhh! I want to shake those stupid bastards until their teeth come loose.

  6. Replies
    1. Og said it best today on Rachel's blog: “I will beat you until you learn, or you will DIE STUPID!”
