Monday, October 1, 2012

Hang In There With Me

To all my readers and friends, just a quick note to let you know that I'm still around, but probably won't have quite as much time to post as I have had in the recent past. Life is revving up in new opportunities and my "creative" talents are being pulled in different directions. I have no intention of stopping my blog as it has been just about the most fun I've had legally in years! But I probably will only be able to post a few items a week for awhile instead of my normal few items per day.

Hang in there with me! I'll get back up to speed as soon as I move some of this "real life" stuff off my desk.  OH! And wish me luck. If things go the way everyone involved seems to want, this "hiccup" in my workflow could mean an enormous sea change for our business.

Of course I expect you warriors to never let up as the election of our NEW president nears. We're going to win this thing because "failure is not an option."

In the meantime, this is the kind of crazy luck I'm having. Hope it holds......

Looks like a catastrophe. Walks away like a boss.


  1. Can't wish you good luck with that Carolla video lurking down the page. So I'll wish you success instead. Here's hoping that your work pays off as you want.

    1. Righteo! I have always said, you make your own luck. If this all works out we will be seen as an "overnight success" after 19 years.

      So the luck I make is kinda slow....

  2. If your luck is like that person's in the gif, run out and buy a lottery ticket, 'cause baby, you gon be RICH!!!!!

    1. Damn! That is an EXCELLENT idea. I'm gonna do it.

      Bear in mind I have never EVER won a single "luck" contest except in college I won a poster of the inside of a 747 cockpit. Yeah, me.

  3. How funny ... that's the same kind of luck I'm having lately. Only I'm the car.

    1. HAHAHAHAHAHA! I can NOT stop laughing. I'm assuming you're just kidding or my insane appreciation of your quip will seem rather insensitive.

      But that was funny.

  4. My Grandpa always said: "To make a good omelette you have to crack a few jeeps." Good luck and skill on your 19 year old omelette.
