Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Why We Suck

Over at Rachel Lucas, the idea was put forward of a Milton Friedman Monday, a Whittle Wednesday, and -- might I suggest -- a Sowell Saturday. Here's my entry for Whittle Wednesday. Seems entirely appropriate for today, considering that the nasty mean sucky conservatives won in Wisconsin last night and that SUCKS!  HAHA!

Actually, today's the day we get to say to libs, "Sucks to be you."

It's a good feeling.  I'm reveling in it.

But we conservatives do suck. Being an adult always sucks. It means you must deal with reality on its terms, not on your wishes. It means that nobody owes you a thing and that's the way it should be. It means that no matter HOW much you want to free Tibet, that bumper sticker ain't gonna do it.  It means that voting doesn't change reality.  It means that your intentions aren't worth crap when they run into real world results.

And that sucks.


  1. That's one of my favorite Whittle videos! I actually have a Whittle Wednesday post drafted too, but got busy with crap and didn't post it yet. You've inspired me to now.

    You totally suck by the way, being right and stuff.

    1. That's what my daughter says. And she's correct...I'm always right. Always. And that sucks. Tough.

      I would apologize for stealing the idea, except I have maybe three readers, all from your blog, so you're not in any danger. HAHAHA!

      And don't worry, I won't continue. It was just too perfect not to post it today.

      If I can forgive you for that disco crap that burned my retinas, then you can forgive me jumping on your wagon with Whittle Wednesdays. tee hee

  2. We should fine Rachel something for posting that disco shit...

    1. Hahaha! Guffaw! Howling! If we ever have a moron meet up like they do over at Ace Headquarters, we should make her buy the first round over that shit. That was aneurism stuff.
