Wednesday, January 16, 2013

No good reason at all why I find this so amusing.

But I'm still laughing.

H/T: to the always hilarious I Have Seen the Whole of the Internet


  1. That kitty is obviously related to mine. Fat cat likes to sit in the middle of the obvious walkway, clean herself, and then get sidetracked so that she is staring blankly into space with one leg half up in the air.

    Our ex-tom does the same thing, but also likes to wander around the bed purring loudly with his boy bits hanging out while kneading the blanket. As my husband says "Cat, you chose the weirdest things to get excited over". There's a reason his nick-name is Pervy Kitty.

    1. Pervy Kitty...hehehehe!

      I'm going to giggle over that all day. Might even be a new nickname for my cat.

    2. Pervy Kitty actually originally got that name because he would come up and lie down next to me or one of the girls, face us, purr, gently poke our faces with his paw, and then start poking our breasts. He has never, ever, poked my husband in the chest, it has to be boobs.

  2. That made me laugh. I even did a weird voice to in my head while I read it.

    1. I even did a weird voice to in my head while I read it.

      OF COURSE! So did I. You have to, to get the full effect. HAHAHAHA!

  3. I, too, found it immensely amusing. LOOK AT IT! Loooook at iiiiiit. LOOKATIT!

    Look look looky looka look.
