Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The empathy of our beloved president.

Found over at Bob's Blog.


From Hope n'Change


  1. What really makes it worse is that's exactly how I envisioned Obama 35 years ago.

    Damned if I can find any logical thinking involved with those that elected him. Half the people in this country must be bat-shit crazy.

  2. It's a shame Traydemark wasn't Il Douche 35 years ago. If Ear Leader had made the same decisions, and had the same outcome, we'd have been spared all the bullshit from this commie rat-bastard, and the country would probably not be in as bad shape as it is.

  3. Somewhere under half, Jess. They cheated the rest of the way.

    And Ogrrre, we need a way back machine.

  4. We're more than half way through the first year of his second term and according to Rasmussen 48% of likely voters still approve of him. It's sad that so many are apathetic. Or brain dead.

    1. I heard polls say he's more like at 41% and dropping. And I believe even that is doctored to be as helpful as possible.

  5. There is no surprise 40+% still approve of him: he is their puppet. Look, if after 80 disastrous years of socialist-communist rule in USSR and half of it in Eastern Block there is still half of Earth' population who support repetition of that failed experiment in their own country, is there any surprise it's happening here, too? It looks like it's something biological, not something that could be reasoned or appealed to application of common sense.

    1. Creaky, you are absolutely right! I firmly believe that there is a "freedom" gene and very few people actually have it. Most people have not inherited it and they are quite content with their chains, as long as they don't get too heavy.

      Remember, when America was being founded, few got on those leaky boats, abandoning safety and kin, looking for a "free" life. MOST stayed right where they were, desiring security under tyranny over freedom.

      We are a species that mostly wants security, not freedom. If we REALLY wanted to be free, we would see freedom more often. But freedom is a rare commodity. Even in revolutions, we simply end up trading one tyrant for another. America was the only country in the history of the world which actually wrote up documents and formed a government around the idea that each man should be his own master. And we have steadily, slowly, inexorably traded away that freedom for a little safety here, a tidbit there, a trinket, a promise.

      And now, here we are. And most of us are fine with it. (sigh...)

  6. Creakypavillion and Buttercup, truer words never spoken.

    Most people prefer the lie over the truth and security over freedom. Real freedom with real responsibility for ones self is too hard for a lot of people.
