Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Understanding Women

It's Not About the Nail from Jason Headley on Vimeo.

It's NEVER about the nail.


  1. My problem is that while I listen to others, male and female, and sympathize, I too would be suggesting that they might try removing the damn nail. I do tend to try to fix things, like a guy. Maybe that's why I tend to get along with men at least as well as women. Hmmmm.

    1. This just made me laugh out loud because, aside from the ridiculousness of her having a NAIL in her head, many, MANY women (okay...MOST women) really don't want a solution when they are griping. They just want someone to listen. They almost always know what the solution is already and, given time, will employ it, but they just want to let off steam.

      Guys, however, find this trait annoying...and so the funny video.

      The eternal battle between male and female.

      I have solved this problem by only bitching to my girlfriends...and then only with a disclaimer that I'm just bitching and to just shut up and listen. HAHAHA!

    2. Sounds about right.

      I think I got it from my family. My father likes to just bitch about things and suggestions on how to deal with it are ignored or turned down as stupid. On the other hand my mother tends to offer solutions, even when you've said you don't want one, they just often aren't very helpful solutions.

      I didn't talk to her for about two months a few years back because she wouldn't stop telling me to, so to speak, remove the nail, but refused to come up with ideas on how to do it. That I knew I needed to remove it, and was asking for suggestions somehow got missed there.

      Not surprisingly, most of my family is in therapy.

  2. That's one of those situations where you find yourself mentally debating which end of the hammer to use.

  3. Ohhhhh, that is just so spot-on. Bahahaha!

  4. I laughed waaay too hard at that. "STOP TRYING TO FIX ME!!"

    1. Cheeze, I take it you've heard that line before!

  5. He just doesn't get it! It's not about the nail - she knows about the nail - it's complexity that distress her. a) HOW to remove the damn thing so it doesn't hurt in the process
    b) she just knows removing the nail will not stop the pain - at least, not for long time c)what if removing the nail will result in another kind of pain, possibly more intense and /or life threatening?

    Men are so short-sighted...

    1. HAHAHAHA! Exactly. There are always a number of extenuating circumstances and possible outcomes to consider before rashly tackling a problem. That's why men have garages FULL of spare parts and shit left over from repairs...repairs that didn't actually REPAIR anything, so then they went to the hardware store or the lawn mower dealer or the small engine shop and BOUGHT a new whatever.

      HAHAHAHAHA! I can't park my car in my garage because of all my husband's "repairs."
