Here is a photo illustrating how North Korea celebrates Earth Day every day, and how South Korea celebrates Human Achievement and Prosperity Day. Take your pick, kittens.
There is no more poignant illustration of how the ideas of the left destroy the human mind and spirit, and leave you in the dark.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
After concerted effort on my part, the look of the blog is finally finished. For now. I think. Maybe. But I'm not making any promises things will stay the way they are...
As of tomorrow, April 1, the United States will have the highest corporate tax rate in the world universe!
April Fool's Day. I wish I was kidding.
April Fool's Day. I wish I was kidding.
My daughter has been listening to a catchy tune lately that makes you want to get up and move. Whenever I hear it, I think of working out at the gym; it has that kind of pumping rhythm. Who knew the tune has gorgeous intelligent ...okay, liberal writer, Naomi Wolf, up in arms?
Understand what is happening here. Liberal activists are never seriously interested in freeing anyone from the constraints of cultural conditioning, they are never actually FOR personal empowerment of anyone, because true empowerment creates people who don't need what liberals always and only have to offer -- government. Real empowerment pisses them off faster than a half dozen kids getting shot on the streets of Detroit or Chicago in one weekend.
When you are truly empowered, you don't need them. That just gets their panties in a wad.
On Sunday, the famed feminist posted this on Facebook:“I really want to find out if she was paid by them for making it . . . it is truly shameful. I would suggest a boycott of this singer whom I really liked — if you are as offended at this glorification of violence as I am.”Read more...
Understand what is happening here. Liberal activists are never seriously interested in freeing anyone from the constraints of cultural conditioning, they are never actually FOR personal empowerment of anyone, because true empowerment creates people who don't need what liberals always and only have to offer -- government. Real empowerment pisses them off faster than a half dozen kids getting shot on the streets of Detroit or Chicago in one weekend.
When you are truly empowered, you don't need them. That just gets their panties in a wad.
Jammie Wearing Fools presents last night's murder tally in Obamaville Chicago.
Where's the outrage? Where's the renting of clothing and tearing of hair? Where's the licensing of names?
Where's the outrage? Where's the renting of clothing and tearing of hair? Where's the licensing of names?
Has Obama called? Did any one of these young men look like his imaginary son?
Probably no white-Hispanics involved to sic the mob after. Save your tears. But keep your pitchforks and torches ready.
Albert Hadley, who, along with Sister Parish, operated one of the most prestigious and successful interior design firms in the country, died yesterday in Nashville, TN. His rooms were instantly recognizable, infused with a remarkable combination of distinctive flair and inviting warmth. You WANTED to be there, to step into his rooms, to sink into the down cushions of a sofa and talk all night over cocktails.
I lied. These aren't cartoons, they are real people. They just seem like cartoons because they are so, well...should I say it?...childish, one-dimensional, predictable, and stupid. David Thompson, one of the wittiest and most intelligent bloggers on the net, revisits some sublime moments of stupidity with the OWS crowd.
The whole post this is divine, delicious, delightful!
Don’t Be So Mean to the Titans of Tomorrow
How can they take over the world if you keep laughing at them?
Julia steers us to this exchange between the Independent’s Joan Smith and pocket radical Laurie Penny. In it, Laurie tells us that what we’ve seen unfold over the last few weeks (and laughed at quite a lot) are merely the “teething problems” of a “movement that is trying to do something so profoundly new and exciting with politics.”Readers may find this a strange, rather implausible construal of events, given that what we’ve seen has for the most part been predictable and, if anything, defined by a mix of hackneyed delinquency, hypocrisy and obnoxious grandstanding. Note too how any public scepticism is blamed on the rest of us not being “prepared to listen.” Which, again, is somewhat odd, bearing in mind how many hours of role-play, pretension and incoherent ranting have been fuelling our scepticism and laughter. For all the blather about “dialogue” and “creating space for dialogue,” what we’ve actually seen is much closer to monologue.“Coming up with an action plan for a new world order takes time,” says Laurie.
The whole post this is divine, delicious, delightful!
Friday, March 30, 2012
I'm not even going to try to explain it. Words fail.
Okay, I'll try. It appears we have reached a point in this country where asking for the physical description of a the cops can identify inherently racist. We've all gone nucking futs.
Years ago, my brother, who lives in Alaska, was a witness to bank robbers fleeing the scene of a crime. They ran out of the bank, jumped into a beat up old sedan, and roared off. Seconds later the police arrived and began questioning my brother. My brother is a scientist, trained in observation and objectivity; he began to describe the robbers in detail to the police officers, noting their car, location, behavior, and appearance. Impatient with the specificity and eager to begin the chase, the policemen interrupted him, "Yeah..but did they look like they came from Kenai?"
"Yes," replied my brother, suddenly relieved of the responsibility of relating minute details. "And they went that way."
And off they went. The robbers were apprehended.
Profiling at its best. That's how you get the bad guys.
Okay, I'll try. It appears we have reached a point in this country where asking for the physical description of a the cops can identify inherently racist. We've all gone nucking futs.
Years ago, my brother, who lives in Alaska, was a witness to bank robbers fleeing the scene of a crime. They ran out of the bank, jumped into a beat up old sedan, and roared off. Seconds later the police arrived and began questioning my brother. My brother is a scientist, trained in observation and objectivity; he began to describe the robbers in detail to the police officers, noting their car, location, behavior, and appearance. Impatient with the specificity and eager to begin the chase, the policemen interrupted him, "Yeah..but did they look like they came from Kenai?"
"Yes," replied my brother, suddenly relieved of the responsibility of relating minute details. "And they went that way."
And off they went. The robbers were apprehended.
Profiling at its best. That's how you get the bad guys.
That headline is no story. Everyone knows that. But did you know he is also unemployed? Again? Now I have an excuse to make a fabulous from-scratch margarita with Patron tequila. I feel a song coming on....
It doesn't take much to make me happy.
It doesn't take much to make me happy.
The left continues to show its fangs over the Martin/Zimmerman case, despite increasing evidence that Zimmerman acted in self-defense. Irrational rage and snap judgments are nothing new on the left, though. Remember the Duke Lacrosse episode? But at least there were never calls to murder anyone. Now a Twitter account, @KILLZIMMERMAN, with an avatar of a bull's eye target over George Zimmerman's face has been put up...and stays up. Day. After. Day.
Betcha if Zimmerman is murdered it will be the fault of right-wing extremism. They'll say the bull's eye target was first used over congressional districts by Palin, so obviously any violence associated with this symbol rests solely with her and all her extremists followers.
Yeah...that'll be the story.
Betcha if Zimmerman is murdered it will be the fault of right-wing extremism. They'll say the bull's eye target was first used over congressional districts by Palin, so obviously any violence associated with this symbol rests solely with her and all her extremists followers.
Yeah...that'll be the story.
One Cosmos is always a good read. Bob nails it with this one.
The Supremes obviously want to know what the "limiting principle" is behind Obamacare, but they're about 75 years too late, since they will search in vain for any such principle in leftism.Indeed.
To put it another way, leftism is the principle of unlimited government, so it has no intrinsic limitation. It is omnipotent, omniscient, and utopian, hence "offended" by your petty -- and probably evil -- objections. You can't get too much of Never Enough. And there are no moral or rational limits to a Limitless Science.
Of course they are kidding, silly kitten. Democrats are always kidding if it looks like you need to get serious about something. Just do what they did. Rule on it now to find out what's in it later, you know, away from the fog of controversy. Oh...but isn't settling controversy, like, your JOB?
NEWS FLASH: No one has. Nancy assures us there's no need. We'll figure it out on the fly.
In oral arguments in the Supreme Court on Wednesday, Justice Stephen Breyer “promised” he had not read the entirety of the 2,700-page health-care legislation the court was examining.
In an unrelated story: CONSERVATIVES ARE STUPID
So it's understandable that you could come up with a $17 trillion error. Carry the 1...round to the nearest whole number....Now I know why liberals always wear sandals.
If you've got the blood pressure for it.
“The more we learn about the bill, the more we learn it is even more unaffordable than was suspected,” said Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, the Republican’s budget chief in the Senate.
“The bill has to be removed from the books because we don’t have the money,” he said.Read more...
With Obamacare under serious legal challenge, Democrats have gone into full-throated wolf pack mode to shout down any possible murmurs in their base that maybe our Constitutional scholar's signature legislation isn't that Constitutional after all.
“This court would not only have to stretch, it would have to abandon and completely overrule a lot of modern precedent, which would do grave damage to this court, in its credibility and power,” said Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D), a former attorney general of Connecticut. “The court commands no armies, it has no money; it depends for its power on its credibility. The only reason people obey it is because it has that credibility. And the court risks grave damage if it strikes down a statute of this magnitude and importance, and stretches so dramatically and drastically to do it.”See what they did there? Clever bastards.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
I realize the background and style of this blog keep changing. Sue me. I'm trying things out. No guarantees I'll ever find the perfect "look" so you might want to get used to change.
"Merchants of Despair"
The always erudite Bill Whittle of PJTV delivers a burning indictment of Obama and crew in his Afterburner series.
I get the feeling he doesn't think much of our most Beloved Leader.
Really? At what cost?
All around gentleman and courageous good guy, Spike Lee, tweeted the wrong address for George Zimmerman, inciting someone to find him and kill him, and terrifying an elderly couple out of their own home. Now ABC has named the young man, Austin Brown, who was an eyewitness to the "victim", Trayvon Martin, beating the crap out of Zimmerman before the shooting.
Gateway Pundit has the story.
In case you haven't put two and two together yet, we are witnessing the difference between living in a democracy and a republic with this case. And if that doesn't scare you, then you're stupid.
All around gentleman and courageous good guy, Spike Lee, tweeted the wrong address for George Zimmerman, inciting someone to find him and kill him, and terrifying an elderly couple out of their own home. Now ABC has named the young man, Austin Brown, who was an eyewitness to the "victim", Trayvon Martin, beating the crap out of Zimmerman before the shooting.
Gateway Pundit has the story.
In case you haven't put two and two together yet, we are witnessing the difference between living in a democracy and a republic with this case. And if that doesn't scare you, then you're stupid.
No. Not really.
How come liberals never acknowledge the dark side of government ownership of their lives? It never ends well. When you live your life under a system that determines every aspect of your existence, from cradle to grave, you lose the very will to struggle, to fight, to even endure. There is no dignity in enduring, because there was no dignity in living.
How come liberals never acknowledge the dark side of government ownership of their lives? It never ends well. When you live your life under a system that determines every aspect of your existence, from cradle to grave, you lose the very will to struggle, to fight, to even endure. There is no dignity in enduring, because there was no dignity in living.
Men socialize by insulting each other, but they don't really mean it.
Women socialize by complimenting each other, but they don't really mean it either.
Women socialize by complimenting each other, but they don't really mean it either.
Is it just me? Or when you look at this picture do you see Michelle thinking lovingly of her husband...just like Obama is doing.
Maybe not. Democrats are scary enough. No need for Republicans to start. Better if they just stay wishy-washy and ineffective.
There surely is nothing on the face of this earth as evil and demented as the "religion" of Islam. One of the things I hate most is there is just nothing funny about it. Not. One. Thing.
Especially for women.
Especially for women.
And now there's going to be even MORE of him. Will Ferrell returns for the sequel of possibly the funniest bad movie ever made.
Relive the hilarity.
I love when things just come together.
Yesterday this came across the newsfeed from the Huffington Post. I thought at the time, "Dude, you're being dumped because you chew your toast wrong. That's cold."
But now there's this. Holy Housekeeping, Batman.
Yesterday this came across the newsfeed from the Huffington Post. I thought at the time, "Dude, you're being dumped because you chew your toast wrong. That's cold."
But now there's this. Holy Housekeeping, Batman.
At least that is always the way our overlords see it. Does it ever give you pause to wonder that no matter where you are in the world, no matter the country, the culture, the system of government...politicians are always assuming more power? Does this seem reasonable, that there is never a decision announced by any government anywhere that essentially says, " go on about your business. You don't need me."
So now they're busy in Europe.
Of course, deciding that their new power grab doesn't need judicial review is just so that they can be more flexible:
Because big government is very interested in remaining flexible and accountable to the people.
So now they're busy in Europe.
Of course, deciding that their new power grab doesn't need judicial review is just so that they can be more flexible:
"We also want to keep the Parliament more flexible in the coming months when it will hold its political discussion and assess whether ACTA is the right tool to solve the problems it was created to solve, without creating new ones. If Parliament refers ACTA to the court, then it can no longer vote on it," Caspery said."
Because big government is very interested in remaining flexible and accountable to the people.
Basically I hate government. I hate all governments...they are the only true instruments of tyranny in the history of mankind. The only good government is one that has been forced into a very small box by a free and self-reliant citizenry who stand on top of the box and shout, "Shut the f&*k up in there!"
This is a great plan, unless their company just went public. Then she is going to melt like butter on a hot pan.
There is the Sound of SOMETHING Breaking
The endless laws, rules, and regulations [...] already on the books, along with the ones that are still coming (like "cap and trade") are not really about breaking your bad habits -- they're about breaking your spirit. They're about sending you the message that you are no more important or significant than the spotted owl or the salt-marsh harvest mouse.
These laws are a stark reminder that your significance as an individual, even as a human being, depends on the recognition you are granted by the state. We are all being trained that we are simply a small part of a much larger community made up of "humankind," along with trees, plants, and animals...and that we're all equal. But to do that, Progressives have to make you forget that your rights were endowed to you directly by your Creator, something that they can best make happen by turning us all into what Progressive H. G. Wells called "enlightened Nazis" -- people who look to the state for direction in every aspect of our lives, but without the violence that accompanied the Nazi movement. -- unknown
And presciently, from Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged: "Did you really think we want those laws observed?" said Dr. Ferris. "We want them to be broken. You'd better get it straight that it's not a bunch of boy scouts you're up against... We're after power and we mean it... There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt. Now that's the system, Mr. Reardon, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with." ('Atlas Shrugged' 1957)
These laws are a stark reminder that your significance as an individual, even as a human being, depends on the recognition you are granted by the state. We are all being trained that we are simply a small part of a much larger community made up of "humankind," along with trees, plants, and animals...and that we're all equal. But to do that, Progressives have to make you forget that your rights were endowed to you directly by your Creator, something that they can best make happen by turning us all into what Progressive H. G. Wells called "enlightened Nazis" -- people who look to the state for direction in every aspect of our lives, but without the violence that accompanied the Nazi movement. -- unknown
And presciently, from Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged: "Did you really think we want those laws observed?" said Dr. Ferris. "We want them to be broken. You'd better get it straight that it's not a bunch of boy scouts you're up against... We're after power and we mean it... There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt. Now that's the system, Mr. Reardon, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with." ('Atlas Shrugged' 1957)
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Driving home today my daughter, who, I feel compelled to point out, is a straight A student, said, "I think it's creepy how they bury people on the side of the road." We had just passed a memorial cross with some plastic flowers that had been set up at the scene of an accident.
I'm embarrassed to admit it struck me as hideously funny and I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe.
I'm embarrassed to admit it struck me as hideously funny and I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe.
Elephants are not just smart, they're artistic, too. I love the little "wave" at the end. Sweet.
As a gift to you all, this is THE girly drink. It is not girly because it is tropical and smooth, although it is. Or because it makes you want to put your toes in white sand and turn your face to the sun, which it does. Or because it makes you want warm water all over your body. It is THE girly drink because I guarantee it will make you giggly. VERY giggly.
Yield: 1 cocktail
3/4 ounce Bombay gin
1 ounce Remy Martin cognac
1/2 ounce Cointreau
1 teaspoon fresh lime juice
3 tablespoons fresh orange juice
1 1/2 teaspoons superfine sugar
1 teaspoon fresh pineapple juice
Quarter fill a shaker glass with ice. Add and shake together all the ingredients, and serve in a chilled martini glass. Sip slowly. Giggle charmingly.
This recipe is from Mark Miller's cookbook, THE COYOTE CAFE. It was created by the bartender at the Oriental Hotel in Bangkok. Inspired.
BTW, if I ever get motivated to take pictures of food or drink, it'll be a miracle. So don't anyone hold their breath.
Rules of Engagement
Rules are important in life because they direct traffic. Without rules life would look exactly like an anthill stirred with a stick. Rules are especially important to me on this blog, because I get to make them. All of them.
Rule No. 1: Snarky is good. Smart is better. You already know what I think about stupid.
Rules No. 2: Swearing is vulgar, even in print. Unless it's funny. Then it MIGHT be allowed. If it is hysterically funny, it will be reposted.
Rule No. 1: Snarky is good. Smart is better. You already know what I think about stupid.
Rules No. 2: Swearing is vulgar, even in print. Unless it's funny. Then it MIGHT be allowed. If it is hysterically funny, it will be reposted.
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