Saturday, October 25, 2014

Young Love

Some of you may have seen the video of  "The Perfect Proposal." It was featured on Huffington Post after Ashton Kutcher picked it up and put it on his Facebook on October 23. I believe he tweeted it out as well, but I don't follow him, so can't say for certain. Then it hit the front page of Yahoo. Officially viral. There is discussion that they may appear on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. WOW!

Anyhow, it is pretty special. Made me cry...but then I cry at Christmas commercials for beer.

The part where I come in is that the Princess is very good friends with Levy, the young man, as well as knowing Tiffany, his new fiancee.  So I'm kinda sorta famous if I stand close enough to my daughter. You know how it can pretend the reflected light of fame glows on you if you know someone who knows someone who knows someone who is's like that.

Princess met Levy through FFA. He served as a California state officer when Ellen was a pipsqueak, and they became good friends, with Levy mentoring her in her own ambitions to become a state officer. He then went on to serve as a national officer. Tiffany is involved in FFA, too. That's how they met.

It's just so darned romantic! Somebody get me a tissue.

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