But he had sex with Bette Midler.
And she wasn't impressed.

When the Divine Miss M isn't impressed with your P*, you're SOL. Maybe even DOA.
For the rest of us, it's LOL!
The other "P" the Divine Miss M isn't impressed with, it seems, is Patriots. But she
loves the IRS.
She recently tweeted out (caps hers, emphasis mine),
Maybe you're right, Miss M. How can it? Let's see how it can. If it has the word "Progressive" in it, it can. Or perhaps the word "Organizing"? Yup. Or even just "Progress".
Here's your non-profit status, tied with a ribbon.
If I may be so impolite, even
forward as it were, to pick over what the Divine Miss M tweeted, there are a few things that need some elucidation.
I love the three exclamation points and the ALL CAPS level of sincere passion and
feeeeeeeeeeling. This woman LOVES THE IRS!!! Why? Because it was caught betraying the public trust, breaking the law, and using the power of the federal government to silence and harass people who oppose it. Those are some very good, very liberal reasons to love this agency.
How can it be called anything else? Political organizations, by their very nature, are non-profit. They don't produce anything that increases the wealth of its directors or members. There is no product or service that is delivered to the marketplace against which costs and expenses have been measured so they could arrive at a price point that allows them to make a profit. The only reason any political organization exists is to collect the money of like-minded people in order to put forth their message to influence the larger political debate. This is called free speech. Something which liberals used to favor. Now, apparently, they are having serious misgivings about the wisdom of letting certain people have any say in things.
I used to believe that while liberals were stupid, vacuous and self-righteous, they weren't mean or evil. I'm revising that opinion even as I type. When liberals can
CELEBRATE (all caps and emphasis mine) the abuse of power because it is directed against their perceived enemies, the game is on, kittens. There can be no more pretense that we are all basically on the same team, we just have different ways of arriving at the same place.
Where liberals want to take this country is no place I want to go.
Fuck all of them. I'm through pretending that they aren't all a bunch of dangerous, fascist assholes who honestly hate anyone who isn't mindlessly goose-stepping to their bumper sticker logic, simultaneously doing a
SIEG HEIL! to their precious Messiah.
Again, fuck you, Miss M.
How's that for free speech? What's left of it, anyway. It's unfortunate I am so angry that I can't use what little time we have left in this country to formulate a more erudite response to your totalitarian lust.
Fuck you is all I've got.
Never one to give much of a crap about what the government says, I gave my own viewpoint of what a non-profit should be. Apparently there are rules. To get tax-exempt status, a 501(c)(4) has to be primarily a
social welfare organization. You know, like
Planned Parenthood.
NOW I get it. Now it makes perfect sense that anyone seeking to curb government excess or teach the Constitution should not be non-profit. How do those activities promote social welfare? However, ACORN, MoveOn.org, and anyone with PROGRESS in their name are obviously all about the good of others.
Actually this argument is even more insidious and deadly. Basically the position is that if you are left-wing, you are without question non-political and only intend to help others. If you are right-wing you are mean, stingy and manipulative with obvious designs on the political process because you want to halt or even -- GASP! -- turn back the
progress made by left wing organizations which are
just there to help. The little fact that left-wing organizations also overwhelmingly give millions and millions to get Democrats elected is really not an issue here, because Democrats want to help, too.
It's all so clear now.
Just because it's so damn sweet. Organizing for America, Obama's very own private, personal
fund-raising organization, is a non-profict 501(c)(4).
So again, I say, "Fuck you, Miss M."
*P stands for prowess. What were you thinking?