Thursday, July 9, 2015

This is all I've got to say about the recent bullshit covering every single blog, news report, TV show, and Facebook page.


  1. Welcome back, Buttercup. You were sorely missed.
    The Donald should provide some great material and welcome relief from the much-anticipated-but-bitterly-disappointing sellout by Tweedledum and Tweedledummer in the House and Senate.

    1. Thanks, Lambert, for sticking your head back in my door!!! I have been incredibly busy with our company, and frankly, just overwhelmed with how awful it all is. I just can't bring myself to think about it too much, and I certainly can't find anything funny about it. But I miss all of you, so will try to throw back my shoulders and make an appearance more often.

    2. By awful it all is...I mean everything that is happening in the world. The comet must be coming soon....

    3. I know what you mean, both of you. I'm almost glad I've been dealing with shoulder surgery; it sure takes one's mind off the outside world.

    4. LG! So sorry to hear you're dealing with shoulder surgery. That truly sucks because you just can't do anything without using your upper body or wanting to reach out with your arm. YIKES! Hope you're over the hump of rehab and feeling better. God, I miss "chatting" with everyone. Thanks for not forgetting about me.

    5. Thank you for the wellwishes. Today I actually had a rehab session which didn't leave me in tears when they worked on the exterior rotation stretch so there's that.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. A dear friend of ours just went through reconstructive shoulder surgery and has seen fit to regale us with the horror stories of rehab. Suffice it to say, I am incredibly sympathetic. I just keep taking my hyaluronic acid and collagen pills like their are candy and hope that all my joints manage to hold up.

  2. Aaaa, she is back!
    Finally. I've tried to leave a Comment Of Concern, but was not believed to have a legitimate Wordpress profile no matter how many times I tried.

    Happy to see you!

    1. Creaky!!! Hey, girl! You all have me feeling happy, guilty, and lucky. I have the best group of people who stop by this stupid little blog of mine. I promise to keep in touch. I've just been spending so much time doing graphic work for our company, that getting on the computer for leisure or reading time has been out of the question. And then, obviously, the whole country is going to there's that. But still...I've missed all of you!!!

  3. She's alive! Seriously, good to hear from you Buttercup. :)

    With all the extant craziness, I'm sure we must of had a stealth invasion from the Bizzaro Planet.

    1. HEY! YOU! How are things in the other side of the world??? We undoubtedly have had an I'm waiting for SMOD or maybe God will just start smiting everyone. Even if I get taken out as collateral damage, I say, "BRING IT!"

      Seriously, thanks for keeping me bookmarked and taking the time to say hi after my long, and unforgivable absence. I will get better about posting so we can all have a place to chat.

  4. Yeah, yeah, welcome back and all that. Now the important question: Baked, Fried, or Barbecued?

    1. HAHAHAHA! Nothing as good as a great roast chicken!
