Friday, September 5, 2014

Why The Irish Drink

Actually, this is sort of a "chicken or egg" question. Which came first, the drinking? Or the NEED to drink from horses like this?

To my mind, BOTH these men need a stiff one after this.

If you want the full's the video of this acrobatic performance.

This happened at the Irish Derby and the horse and rider continued on and would have had to sedate me after that.


  1. Yikes! Now that's a spirited animal. Hey, spirited ... spirits. Connection!

    1. A ride like that would definitely send you to the Drinking Closet!!!

    2. I've been bucked off badly enough to scare the instructor, and gotten right back on to finish the lesson. This was a woman who routinely informed us that it was always our fault if we parted company with the horse. Having checked to make sure I was still breathing and could move my limbs, she raced off after the horse shouting back to me that it wasn't my fault. That was when I started to get scared.

      It was only afterwards that I found out exactly what had happened (my mother said it looked like the beast had sunfished), as well as stiffening up enough to discover all the injuries which kept me off a horse for over a month (sprained thumb, whiplash, separated ribs, and rotator cuff damage). After 35 years it may be to the point of surgery on the shoulder, and I really, really, hate MRIs. If I can get someone to drive me I should probably try the drink instead of the ativan next time.

  2. A true Irishman does not need an excuse to drink.

    I am part German, Irish and English. No drinking problems in my family!

    1. HAHAHA! You all drink just fine. NO problems!!! HAHAHA!

      I am German, Scot, and English. So we're like kissing cousins or something.

  3. I wish who ever caught that photo had watermarked oh man!! Talk about a *great* shot! Not so much for the jockey, but watching the video, looks like he's experienced that before with this horse. Which makes me wonder...drunk, or sucker for punishment? LOL!

    1. I know...right? That is a National Geographic award winner!

      And that jock is amazing!!! Once, at a national dressage show, I saw a rider with a VERY hot horse warming up in the warm up arena. There was a quartet of women who must have been riding first level and were more interested in socializing than riding going around four abreast, basically taking up the whole arena wherever they were. This guy was pushing for big stuff...extended trot...extended canter...and he came across the arena right into those women. His horse went straight up. TWICE. And he sat on that like nothing had happened. When his horse came down, he simply put his legs on and the horse went off in a lovely, floating extended trot like nothing had happened. The four women, though, and startled and parted to let him by. They couldn't believe their eyes. Neither could I.

  4. Maybe they had been working on the airs above the ground?
