Friday, April 11, 2014

Now I'm thoroughly confused.

Normally I feel as though I have a pretty good handle on the world around me and can make sense of even the most esoteric or random event, if given a few clues like context or timing or accomplices. But I just now casually checked my blogger stats page and, not surprisingly, after not posting anything of value for months, my readership has dwindled down to a few stalwart souls who are the type who probably would have still been bucketing water out of the Titanic as Jack and Rose went under.

That is not what struck me as completely unfathomable. I would have expected as much. It was when I searched down into the URL's of recent visitors that I had the shock of the day week.

I got a number of visitors from here:

I kid you not.

I have absolutely no idea how, even with the tremendous power of GOOGLE, anyone from that forum would have found my blog.

But it did make me laugh. So there's that.


  1. Maybe someone there linked to you in a comment?

    1. No idea. I didn't look around because it was a closed forum. Just weird. I don't spend a lot of time on religious matters, and when I do, I'm most often being snarky, although I am religious personally. And I swear too much. So I don't usually hang with seriously religious types.

  2. Not speaking for myself, but most conservatives tend to be Christians.
    Liberals are too earnest to have a sense of humor, which is not the case
    for people on the right. I have a formerly uptight female cousin who lately
    has become a fan of Kevin Bloody Wilson and his daughter Jenny Talia.

    As to the sinking ship, I had to keep coming back in search for teh funny!

    1.'re right. And I am a Christian, too. But sort of a lame one...heh...heh...too much swearing and stomping around...not enough forgiveness and humility.

      And thanks for hanging in there with me. I've been awfully busy lately with work.

  3. Well, I suppose it could be a mistake, or - maybe - they're warning those commenting where not to go. Who knows? They might even think you're finer than frog hair and want everyone to come on over, have a gander, and leave a comment on how much they like your blog....or not.

    1. Finer than frog hair? OOOOOOH! My new favorite compliment. Someone today is going to hear that!! HA!

  4. If it makes you feel any better, my blog got a hit from a bing search for "molecular weight". In Chinese. Specifically "molecular weight 113 114 115 116".

    I'm so confused.

    1. HOLY MOSES! You win. Chinese???

      Don't you love the sheer randomness of the internet? It's that whole monkeys in a room with typewriters thing...only it's billions of monkeys in billions of rooms....HA!
