(Okay...my mad blogging skillz are a little rusty, and I have seen fit to edit this blog post several times. So for anyone who jumped right on over and read this when it was first published...it is different now. I fixed it. You're welcome.)
Supply and demand, bitches. Supply and demand.
Supply and demand, bitches. Supply and demand.

Contradicting the notable SNOPES and its assessment of UNDETERMINED, CNN actually ran with the story just a couple of hours ago. Of course, they carefully presented it as if the damning evidence could be construed as maybe, perhaps, sorta, kinda UNDETERMINED as well, and therefore, we should all withhold judgment...you know...until the whole thing blows over.
This cautionary stance of not leaping to judgment seems, however, to be a position which proves much more difficult for liberals when presented not with the bloody harvested body parts of fetuses, but with the juicy raw meat of Senator Cruz's new book, "A Time for Truth". Why, THEN, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to hold your punches. UNDETERMINED, our collective asses!
Because THIS time, while the supply is neither illegal nor ghoulish nor intensely horrifying, it's worse. It is a bestselling book from a man who openly challenges liberal ideas while defending the wisdom and success of conservative ideas. And it gets worse. The man has a father who is -- HORRORS! -- a preacher! And -- unimaginably -- even worse! The man is a Tea Party hero.
So "The Time for Truth" is now, and the truth is Ted Cruz is a man who doesn't like liberals. I know...get outta here!
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SHOCKED! I'm shocked, I tell you! |
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The good news is that his organs might be worth something. |
Yet -- inexplicably -- the demon spawn's horrifying book is still SELLING!
Supply and demand, bitches. Supply and demand.
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Did you say, "Shut up?" You're going to have to speak up. I can't hear you. |
Senator Cruz, a man with a pointed and acerbic sense of humor, tweeted this:
Today's NYT *Bestseller List
*A certain book was curiously omitted: https://t.co/Q0W2jMlZCT #ATimeForTruth pic.twitter.com/6pthBN1YZs
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) July 12, 2015
So liberals have found themselves in the untenable position of being forced to acknowledge the hideous book and its loathsome author. In today's YAHOO! news, Jerry Adler's review of the previously invisible book makes the front page. He clearly struggles with the idea that anyone could actually dislike liberals for any reason other than being motivated by resentment or pettiness. So, of course, Mr. Adler writes about just how resentful and petty Cruz is. So you needn't waste your money on the book.
There is nothing UNDETERMINED about the review of Cruz's book.
Cruz’s biography is a tale etched in resentment. Most often, the villains are Democrats, reflecting a visceral dislike that was bred into him by the father he still idolizes — a father who refused for two years to call his son by the Americanized nickname he adopted (he was born Rafael Edward) because he shared it with a certain famous Democratic senator from Massachusetts. Later, he suffered at the hands of his freshman roommate at Princeton, a “liberal student from New Jersey” who expressed his contempt for the cowboy-boot-wearing Cruz by gluing shut the snooze button on Cruz’s alarm clock. Then there was a “fairly well-known liberal professor” who gave Cruz a B instead of the A he thought he deserved for a paper that compared private charity, favorably, to government welfare as a way to help the poor. “Was it ideological prejudice, or something else?” Cruz asks darkly, adding that the grade probably cost him the summa cum laude diploma he otherwise had earned.
And things only got worse at Harvard Law School, a hotbed of “trendy Marxist philosophy” and a bastion of affirmative action. His outspoken conservative views kept him from the presidency of the Harvard Law Review, and he had to settle for a senior editing post instead. But this apparent setback was not actually a failure, because “the election was not necessarily for the brightest among us, or the most accomplished, or the most articulate. None of us wanted someone like that getting the job and thus increasing his or her odds of getting a Supreme Court clerkship at our expense.” That should reassure any readers concerned that Barack Obama, who was president of the law journal, may have been smarter than Cruz. (Emphasis all mine.)
OOOOOHHHH! That last part stung! And if our darling President Precious had ever allowed ANY college transcripts to be released, we might know the answer to that concern. As it is, we can just assume, according to Mr. Adler, that The Beloved is smarter than any right-wing, Bible-thumping, resentment-filled, woman-hating, sore-loser, scary-as-all-hell extremist.
You can take it on faith. Like the Iran deal.
In short:
Late-term living babies crushed with careful deliberation for their worth as dead babies. What's the big deal? I mean, other than insuring that the body parts are worth money.
A man who passionately believes in limited government and the freedom of the individual. OUTRAGEOUS!!!