Saturday, November 8, 2014

Chris Matthews' New Nickname

We all know that Mr. Matthews earned his nickname of "Tingles" for his ecstatic gushing over Obama's win. But after Tuesday's drubbing of our Boy-King's policies (The Big O told us his policies were for damn sure on the ballot), I'm betting the tingle up his leg has become a tinkle down it.

Chris "Tinkles" Matthews



  1. There's an old saying: "It's better to pissed off than pissed on....except I think Chris prefers the tingle down his leg.

  2. I wonder when exactly that still is from. Chrissy doesn't look like he's having that orgasmic tingle anymore, does he. 8)

  3. Tinkles Matthews. Hmm, yes, it sings! LOL

  4. I've called him "Pissy Chrissy" for years now.

  5. When you look at that picture, one is struck by just how exposed the media bias is. These guys don't even ATTEMPT to appear unbiased about their slobbering love affair with our Boy-King. How do you convince yourself that you are a journalist with even the slightest objectivity when you basically make a mess in your pants on national TV when Democrats get trounced? HAHAHAHAHA! That look is priceless, though. I get the biggest kick out of how hard Tinkles is taking this.

    1. The tears of liberals, they amuse me, and they taste so sweet.

    2. Also, schadenfreude tastes delicious.
