Remember when the left sniffed temperamentally that there was such a thing as "fake but accurate"? It was simply a matter of misunderstanding, they pointed out, that documents which had been falsified were, in fact, falsified. The plebeian protests against this creation of "truth" only served to illustrate how the rarefied intellectual heights inhabited by the left and from which this "truth" emanated clouded the little people's ability to understand "truth". "Fake but accurate" was an attempt to convey to you idjits that there are times when it is not just permitted but when it is a
moral imperative to make up facts in order to convey the "truth". Bitter clingers, right-wingers, extremists, absolutists, and idjits can not understand this. Y'all are too
rigid. Y'all believe the truth demands that
you yield to
it -- not the other way around. But the left, in its infinite superior wisdom, in its intellectual
agility, is free to mold the truth, shaping it to conform to their immediate needs.
Now they have added the additional subtle twist of making up facts to help their guy. The left swings both ways, doncha know.
President Obama recently announced that he goes skeet shooting, like,
all the time. Uncharitably many of you questioned this assertion, so the
press jumped into action to back up our beloved.
Just a man and his gun. Skeet shooting at Camp David.
All the time.
Are those shells in his pocket? |
Instantly this picture was tweeted out by the New Republic to prove our beloved's bona fides as an avid hunter because y'all didn't believe him. Even a
girl called his bluff.
Representative Marsha Blackburn was having none of it.
“If he’s a skeet shooter, why have we not heard of this? Why have we
not seen photos? Why hasn’t he referenced this at any point in time?”
Not content with questioning our beloved's hunting prowess, she racistly challenged him to a duel, of sorts.
Ms. Blackburn
upped the ante of proof for Mr. Obama: “I think he should invite me
to Camp David, and I’ll go skeet shooting with him and I bet I’ll beat
him,” she said, in a Newser report.
Mr. Obama’s self-professed
love of the shooting game came via a Sunday report in The New
Republic, in which he addressed concerns that his gun control push
would hurt hunters. In the report, and by way of reassuring hunters,
Mr. Obama claimed that at Camp David, “we do skeet shooting all the
Well, Miss Smarty Pants, there's your photo, courtesy of the New Republic. As crack reporters of The Truth, they quickly found a photo to tweet out across the Twitterverse to prove -- PROVE -- that our beloved shoots skeet, like,
all the time at Camp David.
Do you doubt this? Can you not see the evidence with your own stupid eyes? Look at that stance, that cool, level gaze, that masterful handling of a dangerous, potentially illegal shotgun (potentially illegal for you little people, anyway). This man shoots skeet!
If you still doubt the evidence OF YOUR OWN EYES because of your rigid ideological racist hatred of our beloved,
the picture was found right here:
Parody site of the White House which fooled the smartest guys on the team. |
Right there it is, on the internet and
everything. And we all know, or at least the very, very smart New Republic knows, that if it's on the internet, it's TRUE! Or true enough, anyway. True enough to fool all you idjits.
Well, it certainly fooled
some people.
But you idjit right-wingers were not fooled?
And so the descent. Mark my words. If you question our beloved's hunting skills and love of the sport, it is only because you are a racist. This is a HUGE dog whistle. Remember the old phrase, "great white hunter"?
So shut up, you racists.
I think the press has really pegged it this time.
Proof positive. Only a racist would question this. |