Friday, October 5, 2012

I can't even balance my checkbook after a beer.


  1. Calculus is a reason to drink.

  2. I actually have a use for calculus, but every time I've dabbled in examining the stuff, my brain falls asleep and I find myself drinking scotch.

  3. Hey! The Calculus is fun. It's elegant. Differential calculus allows you to bitch-slap stupid libs on matters economic and about business.
    And, Buttercup, you aren't stupid, you're ignorant, as we all are, only about different subjects. Ignorance is our ground state, and is natural and fixable. Stupidity is intentional, is the ground state of a lib, and you can't fix stupid.

  4. I'm with Jess. The only good calculus is a dead calculus.
