Tuesday, January 28, 2014

We are in good hands.

I found this on Facebook. The best part is that someone wrote in the comments:

"Kill me know!"

We are so doomed.


  1. That's why I think they need to line about 200 D-9 Dozers, place them side to side and push San Francisco into the Pacific. There's some kind of mind altering pestilence that took over and it's time to start over.

    1. I have lived in or around San Francisco for nearly 30 years and, sadly, I agree. It was a great city. It still has some of the best restaurants and theater, opera, symphony, ballet anywhere, but GEE! it is crazy. It is a terrible tragedy. But there's no getting around it.

    2. "Mind altering pestilence" - yeah, it's called 'liberalism' or if you prefer, 'moonbattery'. Heh.

  2. Pelosi really did say that??? I know the woman is nuts, but still...

    1. Yes, she really did. Sort of compliments her statement that unemployment benefits were stimulating to the economy. As Dennis Miller says, "She must sleep upside down because she is BAT SHIT crazy!"

  3. Well, she's never really worked a day in her life, nor has she ever had to wait, being able to afford concierge service. So it's easy for her to say it's a positive thing.

    One of the reasons I've always refused to sign us up for Tricare Prime is that it would require us to use the base clinic, and as someone who was working full time for years, (and hopes to again) I don't have the time for that sort of friendship-making.

    1. Don't have the time nor the inclination. I can't imagine a place LESS likely to yield a worthwhile friendship than meeting someone contagious or injured or whatever....how many doctors or nurses do you know who routinely strike up relationships with the people who track through the door? None. Nada. Zilch. Nyet. Zero.
