Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Horseman's Guide.


  1. Much as I like horses, personally, I'd rather have a jenny. There are no doubt cantankerous ones, but even the grouchy ones I have met I have come to love. Something about that personality.

    1. Og....why am I not surprised? LOL!

      Jennys are outspoken, opinionated, highly intelligent and will not tolerate being handled by a lesser being.

  2. Indeed. And the problem with that is?

  3. There was one gelding at my second stable who I could get to do almost anything by simply asking. He would respond to telling, but he also like being asked. It routinely amazed the stable manager and the instructors because I really am not that good a rider. I just like the animals.

    Of course this was same horse who wouldn't get up one day when I went into his box to get him ready for the lesson. He just lay there letting me poke and then kick him in the ribs, sighing gently with a "Could you shift about 6 inches to the left? That's the spot!" look on his face. (Imagine a very large dapple grey Irish hunter and that was Lord Jim.)

    Ruth (the instructor) simply peered over the door and he was up in about .5 seconds. I was told I was too nice or something. I really don't know how I was supposed to change that, or at least how I was going to change Jim's opinion of me.

    1. HAHAHAHA! Yes. With horses, you're either the leader or the friend. Friend is nice but often results in discussions where you lose. Leader means you don't even HAVE discussions. You always win.

      The trick is being such a nice leader that you can APPEAR to simply ask because there is never any back talk. Just like parenting.

    2. The thing was that with Jim, once he was tacked up, he always listened. It was just getting him to that point....
